19439 Merriman Rd, Livonia, MI 48152 / 248-613-7770 / planetmachinery@live.com

Hydraulic and Air Presses

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20 Ton PX, H-Frame Shop Press, #30911, 11.5”x33” Bed, 7” Str, 0-44” Daylight to bed   
50 Ton PH, #OGP-50, 18” x 26” Bed, 13” Str., 17” Daylight
68 Ton BECKWOOD, #4P68F42P3640, 4-Post, 36"x 40" Bed, 14"Str., 22" Daylight to bed, Age 2000
200 Ton PACIFIC, #200 D8-48, Down-Acting 48” x 96” Bed, 24” Str, 36” Daylight, Cushions, 1995 (2 available)  
570 Ton ADVANCED, #570-2230, Down Acting, 34 1/2” x 34 1/2” Bed, 8” Str., 32” Daylight
4 Ton BTM, #P-4-HX10-TE21.5, 10” Str., Ram Plate, Ages 1996-1998, (4 on one base)
5 Ton BTM, #P-5-H-S150-A=11.97, 3” Str., 10.5” – 11.5” Shut height, 1998  
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